BARESLAN SLU is a company that was founded in 1993 and specializes in the manufacture of mechanically weldments. The company is located in Erandio near the Basque capital city of Bilbao, (Spain).
For over 10 years we develop and manufacture complex components and various models of Access Covers for different sectors and applications:
- Water Treatment sector, drinking and waste water.
- Railway sector.
- Port sector.
- Telecommunications sector and networking technology
- Renewable energies sector.
- Underground transformers centers.
- Intersection Chambers.
- Precast concrete parts.
- District heating
- Safety Technology
- Sanitary clean/ Hygienic
- Mobility and Logistics
- Supply and disposal
- Tunneling
- Civil engineering sector
Our covers have been CERTIFIED and proved regarding resistance and water tightness by different and independent laboratories, all commercialized models meets and are manufactured to DIN EN 124/1995 (International Relationship EN 124:1994, categories Class B-125, Class C-250 ,Class D-400, Class E-600 and Class F-900.
The search for continuous improvement and the challenges to meet client requirements has led us to a company policy based on the quality of our ACCESS COVERS .
- Design and production of metalic/mecanic manhole tops or gully tops within areas subjected to pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic.
- With Homologate security locking systems against burglary with codified security key
- With defences set for man access, incorporated and attached to the Access Cover
- Customized according to customer demand (logos, badges, colour, etc.)
Being standard manufacture in CARBON STEEL S275JR/1.0044 Hot –Dip Galvanized, optionally painted in EPOXY, and STAINLESS STEEL.
We are capable to offer solutions and collaboration with our customers in the Co-Design of the product. Our product has a very competitive relationship in QUALITY-PRICE-PERFORMANCE compared to other existing similar national market.
We are looking for distributors in your country, getting to customize the product for you, in order to facilitate commercial work
The UNE-EN 124-1:2015 standard describes the charasteristics to comply with in the installation of manhole tops or gully tops within areas subjected to pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic. Construction principles, test types, marking and quality control.
A15 Manhole top or gully top for areas which can only be used by pedestrians and pedal cyclists..
( Test load = 15 kN )
B125 Manhole top or gully top for footways, pedestrian areas and comparable areas, car parks or car
parking decks.
( Test load = 125 kN )
C250 Manhole top or gully tops, installed in the area of kerbside channels of roads which, when measured from the kerb edge, extends a maximum of 0,5 m into the carriageway
and a maximum of 0,2 m into the footway.
( Test load = 250 kN )
D400 Manhole top or gully tops for carriageways of roads (including pedestrian streets), hard shoulders and parking areas, for all types of road vehicles.
( Test load = 400 kN )
E600 Manhole top or gully tops for areas imposing high wheel loads, e.g. docks, aircraft pavements.
( Test load = 600 kN )
F900 Manhole top or gully tops for areas imposing high wheel loads, e.g. docks, aircraft pavements.
( Test load = 900 kN )
Commercial Technical Department.
Cell phone +34 656 701 425